Vestibular Rehab

Our balance system relies on tiny crystals inside canals within our ears acting like spirit levels. If these move out of place, they can cause problems with our balance and/or dizziness. This affects day-to-day tasks like bending down to tie shoes or turning to look behind you, making life difficult. Max Molyneaux is a clinical specialist in Vestibular Rehabilitation and by identifying and treating the underlying cause, his vestibular physiotherapy treatment resolves the symptoms and allows you to get back to enjoying life again.

He will do a thorough assessment to identify the underlying cause and create a bespoke treatment plan – but the focus is always the same: resolving your issue and getting you back to doing what you love, as soon as possible.

He’ll start with treatment immediately and explain to you exactly how he will resolve the problem. He’ll combine his expert skills including hands-on treatment, acupuncture, and tailored, progressive exercise plans.

Vestibular Physiotherapy Treatment and Rehabilitation can help with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) – or just Vertigo as it is often referred to, Post-Concussion Syndrome, Tinnitus, migraines, and balance problems.

If you’re suffering with any of the above, or other symptoms that you think we might be able to help with, talk to us today.

If you’re confident we can help you can book online or give us a call to arrange an appointment.

If you’d like to talk to one of the team then give us a call or drop us an email.

If you’re not sure about whether we can help you and would like some advice from the experts, come and see us today for a Free Consultation. Here you will have the opportunity to talk to us about your symptoms and come away with a clear plan of either how we can help, or if we can’t, we will sign post you the best specialists for you.

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